Before I get into today's Sample Sunday, I want to link Black Lagoon Reviews, who is currently conducting a giveaway of Spiral X. It's very simple to enter, and the competition is light, so there's a good chance you might win. Best of luck!
One of the things I've been praised on in Spiral X is how each of the characters feel real and complete, something that isn't an easy feat to pull off. For the most part, all the characters are in my head, but as the series goes on, it will become impossible to keep track of them all (since more are always being added), so with Book Two I've taken to keeping a character file. Today I peel back the curtain and give you a preview of a minor character who's sole purpose in life is to make Cheryl's corporate life as difficult as possible. I also give a glimpse into one or two things that have happened since the events of Spiral X.
Hit the break to meet Joseph Redmond.
Name: Joseph Redmond
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Appearance: Corporate America to a "T". Armani business suit, fifty dollar haircut, gold cufflinks, patent leather italian shoes.
Description: Joseph is everything Mark Erikson was not. While Cheryl's father was all about building relationships with clients, Joseph is about getting the most out of them, even if it sours the relationship. He arrived at the company about two years prior to Spiral X and has been one of the most vocal in the company about buying out Cheryl's stake in the company so that it can move forward. He's gained some support, but some of it withered away after Spiral X and Cheryl's sudden interest in being the face of her father's company.
Manner of Speaking: Refined southern gentleman.
Mannerisms: Constantly touches his Rolex to make sure it's there, especially when he's nervous.
Role Or Purpose: Corporate antagonist that makes Cheryl's relationship with her company a bit strained.
Age: 47
Dominant Feature: Eyes that seem devoid of any true emotion.
Occupation: CEO of Erikson Construction Company.
I love complete and well done characters! Sounds like a winner.
ReplyDeleteBrandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog